About Us
About Us
Chakra Yog Foundation came into being to share True Knowledge that is rooted in ancient Vedic Wisdom and reveal secrets of Chakra Science and Chakra balancing techniques to help an individual break free from limiting self-imposed beliefs, illusions, perceptions and wrong definitions that put him into a seemingly never-ending materialistic and mechanical life and attain rounded success and spiritual development and progression. It aims to help you do complete justice to the immense potential that Supreme has provided you with the realization that ‘You Are More’.
“Chakra Yog’s Knowledge base has evolved from Advaita Vedanta teachings and from Bhagwat Gita’s four paths to Union.”
Chakra Yog aims to propagate the ‘true reason of our existence’ and explain in-depth the reasons and causes of failures, fears, diseases, financial problems, poor relationships and mental stress. Its teachings empower your life with holistic health, success and prosperity in the journey of your life. Chakra Yog is a branch of Yog in which the 7 Chakras (subtle energy centers) located in the human body are ‘brought-in-balance’ through Sadhana (practices) to achieve Union of the Individual Self with the Divine Power. This Union is referred to as Self-realization or Enlightenment. This Union is also a pathway towards Jeevan Mukti or Moksha

Chakra Yog covers deep and practical knowledge of Chakra Science and Chakra opening or balancing that is a simplified and easy-to-follow practical path to help you discover the reality – your true nature or your true self. The work of Chakra Yog essentially is to take you within so that you open the 7 Chakras – the 7 gates of True Knowledge and Lessons that help you take right actions leading you to explore your Highest Potential and eventually reach Self Realization or Enlightenment.
“The highest goal of Chakra Yog is the ‘true bliss’ that you accomplish from the realization of your ‘true-self’. Once you realize your true-self then nothing limits you, nothing shackles you, nothing is an obstacle for you, nothing is negative for you because “YOU ARE MORE”. This true self is your true nature”. Anyone trying to understand their own nature or anyone trying to be one with their own true nature is a Chakra Yogi. A true Chakra Yogi values Truth, Peace, Bliss and the Infinite Power. This makes you equal to Divine and you are ready to create everything as per your ‘true nature’. The approach of 7 Chakra Sadhana (practices) is a scientific and a spiritual process is broken down through a series of workshops on relevant topics to point you to a deeper understanding of your true nature or your true-self. This involves:
- Learning the lessons of the 7 chakras and attuning to the fundamental laws of life
- Self-introspection to see through the illusions, perceptions, definitions, limiting beliefs and overcoming varied fears.
- Mantra Chanting and techniques to destroy the Vrittis or habitual motion of thoughts associated with egoic desires and attachments
- Release meditations to release everything that is holding you back due to karmic imprints or Samskaras
- Learning the lessons of the 7 chakras and attuning to the fundamental laws of life
- Self-introspection to see through the illusions, perceptions, definitions, limiting beliefs and overcoming varied fears.
- Mantra Chanting and techniques to destroy the Vrittis or habitual motion of thoughts associated with egoic desires and attachments
- Release meditations to release everything that is holding you back due to karmic imprints or Samskaras
- Learning the lessons of the 7 chakras and attuning to the fundamental laws of life
- Self-introspection to see through the illusions, perceptions, definitions, limiting beliefs and overcoming varied fears.
- Mantra Chanting and techniques to destroy the Vrittis or habitual motion of thoughts associated with egoic desires and attachments
- Release meditations to release everything that is holding you back due to karmic imprints or Samskaras
All of us are always searching for something ‘more’ than what we have or what we are. Some are lost in problems, life challenges and trying to search a way out. Some are searching for a path or a solution to well-rounded success in personal and professional life. Some are simply seekers by nature. This search ends the moment you discover, understand, realize and settle in your ‘true nature’ .
Your ‘true nature’ is what you truly are – it reflects through the unique identity you are born with; to put it more simply – your highest strengths and talents that makes you feel your best version and motivated all-the-time is your ‘true nature – your unique thumbprint’. This is what makes you remembered well after you have left this mortal world and this is what makes you ‘immortal’ and free from the cycle of birth and death.
It is understanding and attuning to the laws of life through directing the mind, body and senses that makes you become one with your ‘true nature’. This is also called Yog (Union). True Knowledge of Yog leads you to clear off misguided thoughts, wrong behavioral tendencies and actions that is actually not you at all but these are your karmic challenges and circumstances. You heal all of this and cross everything (emotional conflicts & traumas, grave physical diseases, failed relationships, financial problems) that has been pulling you back and blocking your growth all this while. All type of blockages that you have been going through just goes away permanently. But, your commitment to change yourself in thought, behavior and actions needs to be one of surrender. When you have this level of commitment you clear off all the blockages, resolve karmic challenges and circumstances and your Mind, Body and Soul heals completely.
Move forward and begin to align with your ‘true nature’. Just sitting on the fence over-analyzing or judging without complete understanding has not helped anyone and never will.
To begin connecting with your ‘true nature’ requires you to first understand that there is a Higher-Self inside of you that needs to be attuned with. Aligning to this is essentially surrendering yourself to the fundamental laws of life that hold the truth that leads to union with that nature that is love and bliss. Essentially, the 7 Chakras located in your subtle body are the KEY to achieving highest material and spiritual goals.
Every Chakra governs an aspect of your life like your existence or purpose, identity, power, feelings, expression, intuition and knowingness. To be precise, each Chakra governs different aspects of your life – different needs and wants, your expressions, your feelings, your senses and in fact the sixth sense too. Every individual has faced tough challenges in his life, each one has fears, negativities and bitter experiences; whatever each of you have gone through has unknowingly blocked your chakras causing either emotional disorders or failures or physical diseases or financial loses and so on.
Chakra Yog with its Release Meditations and Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy is a holistic healing path of course corrections to help you succeed in every endeavor that you have for your life. Through the ‘Light of True Knowledge’ you will learn how practically you can use these truths and lessons to help you connect the dots and accelerate your path through the ‘motivational push’ of Release Meditations & RRCT’ that will help you imbibe the inherent intention of life that ‘You Are More’.

The moment you tread this path, you will immediately feel the change in your energy, in your vibrations and ‘more’… That’s a promise!!!
Nothing should ever limit YOU
Nothing should ever shackle YOU
Nothing is an obstacle for YOU
Nothing is negative for YOU
because “YOU ARE MORE”
Our Acheivements Throughout the Years
Consultation Booked
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Consultation Booked
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Consultation Booked
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Consultation Booked
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
About Sakhashree Neeta
Sakhashree Neeta, the Founder and Pioneer of Chakra Yog, is a Self-Realized Master and modern-day Yogi who has spent years chanting mantras and meditating intensely. She received ‘detailed revelations of previously unknown Knowledge and Insights’ during her deep stages of meditation on how True Knowledge and the Seven Chakras work in tandem to assist us in reaching our highest potential and ultimately Self Realization or Enlightenment. As a Chakra Yogi, she has dedicated her life to healing, empowering, and evolving human consciousness. Her commitment to realizing untapped human potential is evident in all of her endeavors, and she leads her participants to the realization that “You Are More.”
She founded Rudraksha Ratna Chakra Therapy (RRCT), a ground-breaking approach to chakra balance and healing that makes use of Rudraksha beads and gems. She founded the world’s first Rudraksha website in 1997 and has been practicing ever since.
She has risen to prominence as a result of her ongoing study and research into Rudraksha beads and gemstones and their effects on the human body. Her expertise includes sourcing authentic, high-quality Rudraksha from Nepalese and Indonesia farms. After more than a decade of continuous research that included reading ancient scriptures, aura readings, and interactions with clients, metaphysicists, doctors, scientists, Vedic scholars, and saints, she discovered this science of maximizing the effectiveness of Rudraksha and Gemstones.

The name Sakhashree means the one who has the ability to extract the best from each individual in a way that allows them to fully reconnect with their true essence and, as a result, maximize their unique abilities by expressing their unique individuality in order to reach their highest potential.
Throughout her work, she met experts from the TM Foundation, Deepak Chopra, Master Charles of the Synchronicity Foundation, David Frawley (famous gemmologist), Thomas Ashley Farrand (author of Healing Mantras), and Richard Shaw Brown (famous gemmologist from Bangkok), all of whom were impressed by her knowledge and joined her cause, with several becoming RRST distributors in their respective countries.
Sakhashree, as she is affectionately known by her followers, is an effervescent speaker, thinker, author, and spiritual guide. Her Chakra Yog workshops provide participants with paradigm-shifting insights into the self-realization reality. She is an expert at transforming herself into a catalyst for positive change in people’s lives. Her advice and remedies have benefited thousands of people from all over the world. She is regarded as a spiritual friend, and those seeking her assistance discover their inherent strength and purpose in life, enabling them to live in peace, good health, happiness, and abundance.