Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a genetic neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the running of executive functions. It is commonly diagnosed in childhood and continues into adulthood. It is distinguished by inattention (attention regulation failures, moderate to severe distractibility, short or excessive attention spans), hyperactivity (mental or motor restlessness, not in all subtypes), and impulsive behavior (emotional instability and impulsive behaviors) that cause problems in multiple areas of functioning, impeding the person’s social, emotional, and cognitive development. One of the most noticeable symptoms, and one that appears to contradict the disorder’s name, is the ability to hyper focus or hyper concentrate. This is because people with ADHD have an attention linked to emotional factors that is not conscious, and they can pay excessive attention and dedication when they are emotionally interested or motivated by something in particular. This is a very commonly diagnosed medical condition nowadays in all age ranges and in both genders.
ADHD is classified into three subtypes: inattentive, hyperactive, and combined. Inattentive ADHD manifests symptoms such as having a short attention span, being easily distracted, or being unable to stick to tasks that are tedious or time-consuming, requiring a more dynamic schedule of activities or tasks. Hyperactive ADHD manifests as an inability to sit still, particularly in calm or quiet surroundings, an inability to concentrate on tasks, an incapacity to wait their turn, or acting without thinking. The combined type of ADHD showcases symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity to varying degrees. It is significant to note that the majority of people with ADHD have only mild symptoms of the condition, which is why it has been widely misunderstood and misdiagnosed for many years.
Although it might be challenging at times, remember that a child or adult with ADHD cannot control their behavior. People with ADHD may struggle to regulate their impulses, which means they may not pause to analyze a situation or the repercussions before acting. A person with ADHD’s daily routine should include good daily planning and establishing clear boundaries (tasks, relationships), as well as a balanced food and sleep. Hiking, biking, and running are very good for these patients because they produce biochemicals that would otherwise have to be taken in the form of medications, namely dopamine and norepinephrine.
The first step to deal with a potential ADHD is to have it diagnosed by a doctor. Classical symptoms like distractibility (lack of attention) or impulsiveness (both physical and psychological) if maintained for long periods of time affecting the individual life in different settings, then a medical doctor should be consulted. To be diagnosed with ADHD, you or your child must exhibit indicators of inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsiveness in 6 or more distinct contexts. He or she must also have been suffering from the symptoms for at least 6 months. Additionally, the symptoms should show before the age of 12.
Once the diagnosis has been established and medical treatment has begun, the patient might consider beginning professional Chakra Therapy to enhance and speed up recovery while providing holistic and ultimate healing.
Chakra Therapy is a unique technique to open the blocked Chakras in the body and treat the ailments caused by these blockages. Chakra Therapy is an alternative therapy that does not have any side effects and treats not only the disease but transforms the affected individual to find their purpose in life and face it with renewed energy and vigor.
Chakra therapy opens the Sahasrara Chakra and with the resulting restored energy and vitality the individual can counteract ADHD.
The Sahasrara Chakra or the Crown Chakra is associated with ADHD. This chakra connects you to the higher power. When it is blocked, the person loses contact with God – or the Universal force behind life, becomes isolated, and is unable to deal with life’s traumas. Because of their connection to their higher consciousness, any person in life has hope. This connection provides the ability to deal with everyday situations. Nevertheless, repeated failures or traumatic incidents that are beyond one’s control cause an individual not only to lose faith and develop anger towards the higher power, but also to question its existence. This creates a scenario of hopelessness, which leads to the unfoldment of genetic disorders such as ADHD. When the energy flow to the Crown Chakra is blocked or stagnated, the central nervous system (CNS) malfunctions, resulting in neurological ailments. The connection between an individual and God – or the Universal force behind life, is restored by activating the Crown Chakra. An unblocked Crown Chakra alleviates the physical signs and emotional impact of this neurological condition.
The spiritual cause of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a combination of an overactive Sahasrara chakra with an underactive Muladhara chakra. In ADHD, the mind is ensnared in the spiritual realms of existence unable to ground in the Earth plane consistently enough. However, the Earth plane is critical as it is the only level of existence in which we may experience rapid spiritual progress in a short amount of time. People with ADHD struggle to bring to balance both levels (Crown and Root chakras) to the right energetic proportion between them. Once the person starts to harmonize these combined energy centers in a positive and productive manner then ADHD symptoms can be seriously reduced.
- Genetics (ADHD runs in families only)
- Becoming confused easily
- Becoming distracted easily
- Difficulty in task execution
- Struggling to follow instructions
- Appearing to not listen when spoken to
- Daydreaming or inability to pay attention
- Impatience and fast thinking patterns
- Losing or forgetting things or events
Chakra Associated with
- Sahasrara or Crown chakra
Chakra Blocked By
- Severe discontentment towards life
Chakra Unblocked When
- We express contentment and gratitude
Rudraksha for Treating ADHD
- 1 and 9 mukhi Rudraksha
Gemstone for Treating ADHD
- White Sapphire
Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy (RRST) uses specific Rudraksha and Ratna (gemstone) in precise advanced stringing methodology for chakra awakening and healing.
A blocked Ajna Chakra can be opened with the use of Rudraksha, gemstones and other techniques. Choosing the appropriate Rudraksha and Ratna as well as wearing them as per RRST methodology unblocks the Crown Chakra and prevents and controls ADHD.