Neck and Shoulder Plan

What is Neck and Shoulder pain? There is a diversity of problems that can cause neck pain. Irritation along the nerve pathways can also cause pain in the shoulder, head, arm, and hand. Spinal cord irritation can cause pain in the legs and other areas below the neck. A stiff neck is characterized by soreness...

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Dry Skin

What is Dry Skin? Dry skin is a very common condition characterized by a lack of adequate water in the epidermis, the skin’s most superficial layer. Xerosis or xeroderma are medical terms for dry skin. While dry skin distresses both men and women equally, older people are much more likely to suffer from it. The...

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Communication Problems

What is Meant by Communication Issues? Communication is the ability to comprehend and express oneself; the power of appropriate speech through active listening. Communication issues arise when one fails to understand or misinterprets the words of another and is unable to express precisely what is meant. This inability results in poor communication and miscommunication, which...

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