Crystal Healing for Manipura Chakra

People have been entrusting crystals for healing since the dawn of time. These are Mother Earth’s treasures, glittering gems, gemstones, and rock crystals formed by fundamental energy. They can catch the sun, moon, salt oceans, dirt, and mountains in a single shimmer and return all of their healing power to humankind.
Healing crystals have a long history, having graced the breastplates of priests and warriors, been used in shamanic rituals, served as guiding lights for ancient tribes, and been tucked away in the pockets of princesses, mariners, and healers.
In nowadays society, these powerful gemstones have enormous power. They support us in channeling our intentions, raising our vibrations, and bringing forth all of the latent energies, grace, beauty, and charisma we already possess. Everything in life has its own vibration, and if we can align our inner vibrations with the things we want in this world, we may be able to materialize them into our lives.
Crystals, with their purifying power and uplifting vibrations, may well assist in bridging that gap. These glistening gemstones of enchantment also inspire us to cleanse our thoughts, sit in meditation, and ponder how we might quiet our monkey minds and go into deeper healing through our energy centers or chakras.

Crystals and gemstones are used to stimulate, balance, or increase the chakras’ energy. They have a natural healing frequency that may be engaged to help move or balance energy around them. Every crystal vibrational resonance matches distinct energy centers (chakras) through our body.
Each crystal has the capability of intensifying or balancing the energy center you are focused on. To choose a healing crystal, consider numerous aspects of the gemstone, such as its energy quality, color, and the intuitive or personal connection you feel with it. You may activate the healing potential of the gemstones by using purpose and intuition. Active imagination aid in reaching the area where gemstones or crystals may be used in conjunction with chakra healing.
Through the crystal, the energy is directed and intensified. It then impacts or resonates with the vibration or frequency of the chakra being focused on. At the same time, adequate sun exposure while wearing the crystals allows the sunlight to pass through them taking their healing energy and disseminating the frequencies of its colors into our chakras bringing them to balance.
Healing gemstones and crystals that have been cleansed and charged are most effective when placed near the dysfunctional chakra. They are often worn as jewelry or put directly over a chakra in need of balance. There are several methods to include healing gemstones into your daily life and surroundings. You may, for example, place them in a fixed position in your dwelling, scatter them over your house and workplace, carry them with you, or for more effective and sounding healing results wear them as jewelry.
Physical and non-physical indicators develop whenever there is a blockage in the chakra system. The Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra is an important maintenance center in this system because it is where all of the body nadis cross. When this energy center is out of balance, it spreads throughout the energetic system, causing imbalances in other centers. Thus, balancing this energy center is critical for overall system harmony, and this can be accomplished by using the appropriate crystals attuned to the energies of our Solar Plexus chakra.

Raising the Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra energy is about increasing our energy and dynamism, our willpower to achieve our goals. The best Solar Plexus chakra crystals are usually those with the same color hue as Manipura – envisage yellow colors from light to dark hues and golden yellow.
Yellow Topaz has a multitude of healing properties that influence a person’s life and bring about beneficial changes. It invites kismet into your life and makes everything work in your favor. It allows you to form bonds with individuals who are beneficial to you while keeping you away from those who are harmful to you. It increases your confidence in yourself. If you maintain your intentions pure, which is what counts most, this gemstone will assist you in reaching numerous milestones in your life. It will also assist to increase your energy level, which is why it may help to relieve tension and anxiety. If you are having problems with your mental stability, this stone may help. It will help you achieve mental stability and harmony in your personality so that you can achieve your life’s goals.
Yellow Citrine like a refreshing glass of lemonade is profoundly invigorating and brings a distinct and quick energetic boost to realign the energies in such a way that lethargy and stuck motivations are dispersed and a new vitality emerges. It has the ability to infuse joy and a radiant positive attitude in the person which is often seen as an energetic light around their aura. It inspires confidence, clarity and a lot of energy to pursue your goals. It’s one of the most activating crystals for the Solar Plexus chakra. It illuminates the spirit with its sunny radiance clearing away any darkness caught from negative energies from the environment. Thus, it is one of the most known gemstones for to keep the spirit lifted and the mood high. Citrine enable you to feel more energized and motivated. It assists you when you feel like you have a lot to accomplish but not nearly enough time to do it.
Tiger Eye stone has a plethora of wonderful properties and advantages that assist to balance bodily and emotional well-being in one fell swoop. More than simply a gorgeous face, the Tiger’s Eye serves as a reminder to tap into inner strength, to stand a bit straighter, and to quit destroying oneself since all the light and love needed is already inside. Tiger’s Eye is all about bringing stunning self-confidence to the surface, rather than concealing it. Toxic energies are swept away as part of the healing properties, mental obstacles are pushed aside, and deepest dreams cease to be visions and become well and completely within targeted grasp.

Besides the above well-known crystals and gemstones to bring to balance our Manipura chakra, there are others as well which may be equally useful for this same purpose. The difference lies mostly in personal preference, style and fashion but it is important to find expert advice on which one’s best suit us depending on our needs and particular conditions, as they all have different properties.
Another less commonly known crystals for balancing Manipura are:
Ruby recharges a person with vitality, energy and is highly recommended for people who feel depleted in energy. Name, fame and prosperity is its beneficial outcome. It helps in developing the mind power of a person. It is a stone of boosting leadership qualities in a person and instils confidence and courage
to face the challenges of life bravely. It aids to lift the gloomy, depressive energies from a person and keeps the person positive and happy. It benefits by making the personality of the person captivating and magnetic thereby winning the admiration and heart of others. Ruby brings to balance the Solar Plexus chakra and paves the way for round success in the life’s path.
Lemon quartz stone also known as Sun stone strengthens the mind and aids in speedier thinking and comprehension. This implies that it is a valuable stone in situations when rapid judgments are required or if there is a strong focus on staying on course. It minimizes distractions, improves attention, and recovers memory, making it an excellent meditation partner. It brings money into a person’s life and provides different sorts of support in times of need. All of
this is accomplished via the pleasant energy it brings into a person’s life.
It is very therapeutic for the digestive system. As example, it alleviates cravings, notably for food and nicotine. As a consequence, it is perfect for individuals who have diet or eating issues, or for those who wish to quit smoking nicotine.
Yellow Jasper stimulates the Solar Plexus chakra, promoting self-esteem and the confidence to take action. It also delivers a considerable boost of excitement to its user, helping you to attract and channel good energy throughout the day. It shields you from all negative influences in your environment and solely provides you inner serenity and pleasure. It relaxes the nervous system and your emotions.
Golden Heliodor is another lesser known crystal for Manipura chakra. Also known as the Hope Stone, it reduces irritation while also calming the neurological system and relieving daily mental stress. It gives you self-esteem and inspiration to strive harder and achieve your life objectives. Golden heliodor is also believed to attract favorable energy, particularly in the areas of work, money and finances.
The first step in preparing is to create an environment that resonates with the energy of the Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra. Any setting under the sunlight will positively stimulate this energy center and charge the crystals in touch with its body area, magnifying their healing powers. It is highly recommended to work with the Solar Plexus chakra crystals under the sunlight, whether it is in a private place at home or outdoors in a park, a garden, a mountain or even in a beach.
Balancing Manipura with crystals is a revitalizing experience when done in the proper ambience like the aforementioned. When crystals are used on this way
on the body against this chakra, Manipura absorbs their energies as per the gravitational pull of the Earth. Chanting the beej sound of the Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra which is RAM or listening to it while doing the above will help even more to attune us to the energy of the crystals.
Wearing the same crystals along the day will increase their balancing properties, as the most they keep in touch against your skin the faster and deeper you allow their vibrational healing energies balance your Solar Plexus chakra and hence, all the area surrounding the physical location of Manipura in the body. Today, there are numerous fancy ways to wear beautiful crystals for this healing purpose, ranging from rings to earrings, which are the most common, to wearing them in bracelets and pendants. It is recommended that you always consult with your crystal’s provider expert to better guide you about which finger or in which wrist (right or left) to wear them on in order for them to be really effective for you.

Crystals and gemstones are also considered as storehouses of divine energy. Gems absorb, reflect and radiate different frequencies of light and with their constant contact with the skin bring about changes in the body’s energy field. Each color ray is connected with one or more of the Chakras. Sun rays passing through a gemstone make it emit a cosmic color that is absorbed by the body Chakras, bringing the affected Chakra to a state of balance.
In RRST ® (Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy) devised by Sakhashree Neeta after two decades of research on the effectiveness of gems on chakras an advanced methodology is used so that crystals for Manipura are worn in such a way that 100% of their properties are harnessed to open up and balance this chakra when it is blocked. An expert and individualized study is carried out along the best and most adequate selection of the proper gemstone (crystal) as per the emotional and physical state and specific concerns of the client. The RRST combinations open up Manipura chakra effortlessly and empower you with good health, abundance, success and spiritual upliftment irrespective of astrological chart.

To gain maximum benefits and get optimal results from the energies steaming from crystals, the science of Chakra Vastu is taking into consideration when using crystals for healing as per RRST too. Chakra Vastu is the science that maps the 8 Chakras (subtle energies in the human aura) with the Vastu Shastra (or the Vastu Purush). This not only applies to the human body parts where gemstones are to be worn but also when it comes to large crystal clusters when their right place in the dwelling should be aligned with the spiral flow of energy from the earth which can be from north to south to east to west lines and in the middle of these, where geopathic stress zones are formed at the meeting points of these lines. At Chakra Yog we have extensive experience in where to best place and wear crystals. When crystals for Manipura are utilized the lower pelvic region of the body is used for therapeutic crystal healing, and the South East corner of the dwelling is recommended for pacing big clusters of healing crystals to bring to balance Manipura.

When you first take your crystal to home, you should cleanse it to remove any negativity that might have taken up. You may rinse it in a natural source of water or hold it under cold, running water from any faucet. In any case, make sure that the water is cold, no too warm or hot.
To truly assist the crystal in getting rid of negative energy, add a touch of sea salt to the cleanse or burn sage. You may also leave it out to dry in the early sunlight or full moon light to allow light to pass through it for an optimal energization.
To allow crystals to perform their magic, you must disregard any negative belief or mistrust you may have regarding their powers. It is critical that you appreciate what they can accomplish for you.
Decide what you believe you are lacking before looking at what crystals you may supply for your needs. This will support you in indicating what is going on inside oneself prior to relying on other sources.
From there, follow your instincts to choose what is best for you. Whether a crystal catches your eyesight or you sense a bodily pull toward one, your subconscious mind will assist direct you to the gem that is best for you. After you’ve chosen it, then only establishing the needed connection is left.