Planets for Vishuddha Chakra

According to historical astrological tradition, the classical seven chakras of the human body have been related to the seven classic planets for millennia, and according to Vedic astrology, the nine planets have a connection with the major eight chakras. Even more planets are linked to the chakras in modern Western astrology, including those discovered in contemporary history. As a result, there is a long legacy of connection between the planets and the chakras in all astrological systems and traditions across the world.
Planets in a birth chart represent the baby’s potential qualities and energies, and our chakra system is made up of many latent qualities and energy centers that have been linked to planets since antiquity. Since ancient times, the planets visible to the naked eye in our solar system have been regarded as gods, ruling over human affairs ranging from medicine to politics and all aspects of people’s lives. It is not surprising then that they are linked to various body systems. In Western astrology, they are linked to various organs and functions of the body, and in Vedic astrology, they are similarly linked to our chakras.
This long-held link is now explained by modern science so that we are made up of the same elements as the planets. They are no distant objects in the sky with no connection to human life, but as astrological research has revealed, they are indicators of inner motivations and energies and their dynamics in our lives, qualities, and attributes, just in the same way our dynamic energy vortexes (chakras) work in our bodies too. Therefore, rather than a link between planets and chakras, we can refer to it as a similarity in principles, energies, and patterns.

Planetary remedies have long been used by Vedic astrology to help balance our chakras because each dynamism both above and below (sky and earth) are intrinsically connected and show up in our birth chart. Religious rituals are performed in Hinduism to appease these dynamic forces or energies, which are linked to gods and goddesses ruled by these planets so that they can be integrated into our lives in congruence. Similarly, in Western astrology, the mythology of the gods and goddesses associated with the planets is linked to depict the significance and attributes of each planet and their respective energies.
For the first time in recorded history, scientific astrological research in the last century (Gauquelin et al.) demonstrates the validity of astrological pointers in sketching the personal traits of a person. Similarly, it has long been established that the balance or imbalance of our chakras derives from various traits and outcomes in the lives of individuals. In both cases, there is solid enough scientific background to work with both components (chakras and planets) in combination.
Having said that, there are several methods for balancing our energy vortexes (chakras) by paying attention to the corresponding energy patterns (planets). The western astrologer will analyze the condition of the planet associated with the chakra in the birth chart to determine how to balance its natural energies in such a way that the related chakra energy is restored. By analyzing the chakras and their ruling planet, one may determine the source of one’s life’s highs and lows.
On the other hand, the Vedic astrologer will prescribe religious remedies such as planetary pujas to the different Hindu deities associated with each planet in order to appease these energies and, in the same way, bring these forces into harmony so that they can be favorable for the native rather than a hurdle on the path with the clearance of any chakra imbalance related to the associated planet and deity.
The analysis of the natal chart to determine how these planets are placed and combined is common in both systems (vedic and western) so that any imbalance in the chart can be corrected accordingly using the methods described above. Being aware of the nature and qualities of the planets associated with the chakras, as well as cultivating these qualities in ourselves in their positive manifestation, helps to bring our chakras into balance. For this, we must first look which planets are linked with their related chakras and what their symbolism involves.

Jupiter is a planet of growth, expansion, and knowledge. It represents our inner guru, to whom we can seek advice. Jupiter is strongly associated with opportunity. Where Jupiter is located in the birth chart, we tend to feel confident and have faith in the outcome of events. It also indicates the areas where we can most grow and excel. An unfavorable Jupiter position is similar to an imbalanced Vishuddha chakra in that it causes growth issues, which manifest as physical issues such as thyroid problems and inadequate growth. There are also psychological issues with comprehension. When Jupiter is in a favorable position or the Vishuddha chakra is balanced, we learn quickly, grow in areas of interest, and have the ability to communicate in multiple languages. Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius, which is associated with beliefs, higher education, idioms, and long-distance travel.
Nevertheless, our Jupiter placement usually describes an area where we can enjoy a certain measure of protection. Frequently, wherever Jupiter is or with respect to what it is touching , things just fall in our lap, without any special effort. Often it is through being in the right place at the right time. Or, in other words, it is our lucky placement in the chart. Jupiter confers a certain buoyancy and bounce to the proceedings and brings a sense of direction and purpose in our life, hence acting like an inner compass to avoid sidetracking our individual route.
Our Jupiter position by house and aspect shows where and how we seek to grow. It also shows where we need room to grow. Growth implies moving forward, going beyond current limits; it implies looking beyond the seeming perimeters of the current situation and glimpsing its true meaning and possibilities. Jupiterian energy breaks away old belief systems. Life becomes much more joyous if we believe that it has some kind of larger meaning; without a sense of meaning or purpose, life can feel very bleak indeed. The Vishuddha chakra is where we can tune ourselves in to our life’s purpose.
The Jupiterian person believes that anything is possible. The Jupiterian impulse causes a dislike of responsibilities as well as a dislike of all limits; in Jupiterian mode, we like to be at liberty, always expressing ourselves in grandiose and unlimited ways, and in this mode, we also require a lot of space to do so. The element of the Vishuddha chakra is ether (space), which serves as a link between the cosmos and the terrestrial world. Because of its emptiness, subtlety, and omnipresence, it is regarded as all-encompassing and is referred to as the spirit.
People in high places often have affluence and influence. If Jupiter is found in your eleven house of friends, for instance, then perhaps you have friends in high places. Linked with anything social in the chart, the influence of Jupiter inclines to social climbing. Also to patronage; the Jupiter type may seek to protect another. There is an impulse so grow socially for the benefit of everybody. The throat chakra is the energy center where Lord Shiva contained the poison which threatened with destroy the world. It was eventually dissolved at this point.
Health problems where Jupiter is the triggering factor are usually caused by excess of some kind. With Jupiter there is a tendency towards surfeit and congestion, fullness and over-production. Growths of all kinds – including cancerous growths, owe much to the planet, as does obesity. Those who have the planet Jupiter linked to the Sun, Moon and Ascendant (or its ruler) may incline to corpulence.
Wider and deeper implications and meanings are realized and the ability to glimpse and judge correctly under the light of the greater whole starts to unfold under Jupiterian energy. Wisdom is the capability to judge correctly and make the right decisions at the right time, and Jupiterian energy makes this possible.
As we have seen a healthy chakra functioning in a balanced way indicates we have our planetary energies working productively for our development, and vice versa: an unfavorable positioned Jupiter leads to an imbalanced Vishuddha.
We at Rudra Centre offer expert Vedic astrological advice to help you balance your Vishuddha chakra for a successful living. Our expert astrologers and pandits are experienced in performing the right rituals and recommending the right remedies to restore balance to your Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra.
Additionally, we have a wide range of yantras and Rudraksha beads strung by the prestigious Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy ® to assist, speed and sustain the complete healing process. Please don’t hesitate in contacting us for professional help in balancing your Vishuddha chakra anytime.