
A powerful Shaligram Shila, endowed with the energies of the Matsya Avatar of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi’s blessings. The Gadadhari Matsya Laxmi Golden Crystal Shaligram Shila has similarity in appearance to that of a Fish or Matsya, with defined markings of Chakra. The Shaligram Stone is found in its natural form only in the Kali Gadaki River, Nepal, and worshipped as Lord Vishnu, the preserver and protector of the Universe. The natural Sudarshan Chakra markings on Shaligram Shila varies from stone to stone. The 1st Avatar of Lord Vishnu was the Matsya Avatar, who saved the first Man to be born on Earth, Manu, from drowning to death in the great deluge, thereby saving mankind from being extinct. Gadadhari means the one who holds the Gada, which is one of Lord Vishnu’s weapons that He uses to protect His devotees.

The Gadadhari Matsya Laxmi Golden Crystal Shaligram Shila is auspicious for the house, it protects the house and inmates from harm, danger, Evil Eye, enemies and lower energies. It removes Vastu Doshas, helps in creating wealth, prosperity, material contentment, brings happiness, good health, Spiritual evolution. Gadadhari Matsya Laxmi Golden Crystal Shaligram Shila alleviates challenges, makes way for success, name, fame and abundance.

Worshipping the Shaligram Shila by conducting Abhishekham with Tulsi leaves, water and Panchamrit (a mixture of cow milk, curd, sugar, ghee and honey) and praying with dedication leads to Moksha, by the grace of Lord Vishnu.

The unique Gadadhari Matsya Laxmi Golden Crystal Shaligram Shila bestows security and abundant blessings of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi.

Dimension of Shaligram:
Height: 0.7 inches
Length: 2.3 inches
Width: 1.2 inches
Weight: 60 gms

Shaligram would be sent in a designer brass plate with a Tulsi mala.

Additional information

Weight 0.060 kg


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