
Height: 4 inches
Width: 3.9 inches
Length: 3.9 inches
Weight: 1.3 Kgs


Natural Himalayan Rock Salt Lamp made from the salt extracted from the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. A candle has to be lit inside the lamp so as to make the lamp work as an ionizer. Due to the many benefits of the Himalayan Rock Salt Lamp, it is fast gaining popularity. By lighting the Salt lamp, ions are released in the surroundings. These ions are found naturally in nature such as in flowing water, waterfalls, sea waves, lightning, and sunlight among others. These ions have a refreshing and relaxing impact on a person, they help improve mood, increase concentration, relieves stress and leads to better sleep.

The Himalayan Rock Salt Square Lamp absorbs all negativities and propagates positive energy. Other benefits of the lamp includes that it helps kill bacteria, provides protection from Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) of different electronic gadgets, soothe body and mind and help an individual to relax or de-stress. The warm and soothing glow of the salt lamp also improves the decor of any room. The Himalayan Rock salt lamp also helps remove Vastu defects and has a positive impact on the overall Vastu of the house.

Placement: It should be ideally placed in the West corner of a home/office.


  • It removes negativity from environment
  • It provides peace of mind by removing stress, fear and tiredness
  • Gives relaxation and sharp mind
  • Enhances harmony and goodwill between members

Height: 4 inches
Width: 3.9 inches
Length: 3.9 inches
Weight: 1.3 Kgs

Usage:- It has to be lit 24×7. If not lit, there would be accumulation of water due to the hygroscopic (water retaining) nature of salt.

Voltage:- 15 volts and above. It consumes less electricity.

Please note: Rock salt is soft and shows cracks(layers) and fissures on the surface and this does not impact its natural benefits.

Additional information

Weight 1.3 kg