
Lapis Lazuli: 8 mm (74 beads) + 10 mm (1 bead)
Length of Mala: approx. 32 inches
Silver weight: approx. 9.85 gms


This magnificent Mala is strung with the attractive blue with golden flicker, Lapis Lazuli Gemstone beads, designed with Silver accessories, spacers and a Pendant of the Gemstone bead with a finely crafted capping. This Mala is potent in healing the Vishuddha or Throat Chakra as the Lapis Lazuli stone is connected to it, and heals and balances the Chakra. A balanced Vishuddha Chakra empowers the wearer of this Mala with clear communication, self confidence, wisdom, realization of one’s uniqueness/ skill/talents, perfect vocabulary, enhanced oratory skills and removes hesitation in speaking or expressing self. The Vishuddha Chakra is also related to hearing and when unblocked, it makes one a patient listener.

Lapis Lazuli stone also helps to enhance intuitive powers, memory, helps to release stress, anxiety and has other positive merits.

Lapis Lazuli: 8 mm (74 beads) + 10 mm (1 bead)
Length of Mala: approx. 32 inches
Silver weight: approx. 9.85 gms

Additional information

Weight 0.35 kg