
Height: 1.22 inches
Width: 1.74 inches
Weight: approx. 65 gms

SKU: SIM258 Category:


The Maha Aniruddha Laxmi Golden Laxmi Kund is a type of Shaligram which bestows intelligence, wealth and abundance. A powerful Shaligram with well defined Chakra or Spherical markings, a Golden cavity, is the Laxmi Kund and other features. This Shaligram enhances intelligence, memory power and concentration, which makes it very suitable for students. Installing Maha Aniruddha Laxmi Golden Laxmi Kund establishes a peaceful atmosphere at home, harmonious relationships at workplace and with family, brings prosperity, wealth, helps to overcome financial miseries, leads to success, spiritual growth and brings abundant blessings of Goddess Laxmi and Lord Vishnu.

The Shaligram stone is found only in the banks of Gandaki Kali River, Nepal and is a purely natural stone. It is the dwelling of Lord Vishnu and worshipped to receive His meritorious blessings. The sacred Shaligram stone is worshipped by conducting Abhishekham with Tulsi Leaves, Water and Panchamrit, which pleases Lord Vishnu.

Maha Aniruddha Laxmi Golden Laxmi Kund emanates pure energies in the place that it is kept in and fulfils wishes of the devotee.

Height: 1.22 inches
Width: 1.74 inches
Weight: approx. 65 gms

Additional information

Weight 0.065 kg


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