
Inner Diameter: 60 mm
Weight: 23 gms

SKU: GBC64 Category:


Origin: India

A pretty Bangle made of natural Pink Agate Gemstone, displays the band of various shades of soft Pink, which is a characteristic of Agate Gemstone. It can be worn with formal and casual attire to enhance your style. The vibrations of Pink Agate stone brings peace, calmness, balance, helps to release emotional hurt, fears, forms a protective cloak around the wearer that protects from negative energies. This beautiful bangle boosts self confidence, ground the wearer. It brings good luck and good friends.

Pink Agate stone is said to have anti-aging properties, supports in healing bone problems.

Buy the amazing Pink Agate Bangle for yourself and give it as a loving gift to friends and family.

Wearing guidelines: Wear on right hand.
Inner Diameter: 60 mm
Weight:  23 gms


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