From: 5,625.00

Origin: Java

Configuration: 3 Mukhi, 7 Mukhi, 12 Mukhi and Gauri Shankar Rudraksha


Origin: Java
Configuration: 3 Mukhi, 7 Mukhi, 12 Mukhi and Gauri Shankar Rudraksha
Description: It enhances confidence and self-power and brings radiance and vitality. It brings awareness to the present moment by clearing stress and worries related to the past and future. It relieves the wearer of victimisation and helps him realise his true strength to be a leader in his destiny. It brings name, fame and power of command.
3 mukhi Rudraksha burns past karma and releases sense of victimisation and stress.
7 mukhi Rudraksha attracts new opportunities in love, luck and finance and brings positivity.
12 mukhi Rudraksha imparts power of command and leadership skills. It drives one towards self discipline, moral conduct, duty and ethics.
Gauri Shankar awakens love and promotes harmony in relationships and brings spiritual growth.
Therapeutic benefits: It aids in curing stomach, pancreas, gut and liver ailments. It also brings relief to those having cholesterol, diabetes and blood pressure.
Bead size:Rudraksha are available in many sizes and grouped in regular, small and large sizes. For Java variety, J represent regular size, JS is small and JL is large. In terms of long term effect, there is not much difference. In short term, larger sizes seem to work faster due to large surface area. Choice of size selection depends on the personal choice of the wearer.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg

Design I, Design II, Design III, Design IV

Size Grade

Java Large, Java Regular, Java Small