From: 5,800.00


Ten mukhi rudraksha is ruled by Lord Krishna. One, who wears it, gets eternal peace and joy in life. This rudraksha works like a shield on one’s body and the wearer gets immense protection from negative energies, evil eyes and psychic attacks. Gives success in court cases, land deals and relieves wearer from debts and losses. This rudraksha is mentioned in ancient texts as one of the most powerful rudraksha which pacifies all the nine planets.

Benefits: Peace, protection , pacifying malefic of planets .
Ruling God: Krishna
Ruling Planet: All

Origin: Nepal
Bead Size: 21 mm

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Additional information

Weight 0.015 kg

Loose bead, Silver bracelet – DDC with thick silver chain, Silver Bracelet with elastic, Silver bracelet with silver chain, Silver snake chain bracelet, Thread Bracelet with Elastic