
No. of Priests: 5
Duration: 1 day

SKU: PY374 Category:


About Thymus Chakra Balancing Puja and Mantra Japa/Objective of Thymus Chakra Puja

The Deity of the Thymus Chakra is Lord Sudarshan, which is the Divine Discus weapon of Lord Vishnu and the Planet associated is Chiron. In the Thymus Chakra Balancing Puja and Mantra Japa, Lord Sudarshan and planet Chiron are invoked. The Sudarshan Chakra is supremely potent and used by Lord Vishnu to destroy anything or anyone who poses a threat to the Universe and His devotees.

The Thymus Chakra is the High Heart Chakra and is the centre of unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness. The Thymus Chakra balancing Puja is conducted to balance clear and balance the Chakra, which also brings good health and fortifies immunity.

The Thymus Chakra (High Heart Chakra) is one of the most pivotal Chakra which is also known as the ‘seat of the soul’. It is positioned Thymus Chakra Opening Symptare approximately between the (Anahata)Heart Chakra and Vishuddha(Throat)Chakra, where the Thymus gland is situated. It is a centre of unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, which are qualities that facilitate divine inner transformation and broadens spiritual awareness. An individual with clear and balanced Thymus Chakra has a strong immunity and so enjoys good health, vitality, overall wellbeing and is soulful, understanding, empathetic, readily forgives others and are full of compassion, gifts which they often pass on to others through their aura and action. Such individuals believe in oneness of the Universe and mankind, which also supports in spiritual ascension. A clear Thymus Chakra also helps to be judicious about what emotions to express in words and when to be refrain from verbalizing. The High Heart is said to be the place where one holds one’s intentions. When the Thymus Chakra is unblocked the dreams and desires materialize.

With an imbalanced and blocked High Heart Chakra in the individual becomes self centrsed, uncaring of others. There is lack of compassion, understanding, forgiveness for others as well as for one’s own self. He/she has weak immune system and lung, heart and throat disorders.

Conducting the Thymus Chakra Puja with proper Vedic vidhi, clears and balances the Chakra of the participant. Chanting of Lord Sudarshan Mantra creates a shield of protection around the devotee’s body and offer protection from evils, and negative energies. The High Heart Chakra Pooja leads to positive transformation and augments spiritual growth.

Thymus Chakra Color: Aquamarine
Related Deities: Lord Sudarshan
Related Planet: Chiron
Element: Air

Benefits of Thymus Chakra Puja:

  • For unconditional love, compassion, healthy relationships, understanding.
  • For healthy throat, lungs, heart and relief from immune disorders.
  • For strong immune system and good health.
  • For allowing positive transformation.
  • For expanding awareness of self and spiritual advancement.
  • For being able to forgive others easily.
  • For protection and blessings of Lord Sudarshan.
  • Helps to fulfil desires of participant
    Puja Services Include:Kalash Sthapana, Panchaytan Devta Pujan, Swasti Vachan, Sankalpa, Ganesh Pujan, Lord Sudarshan idol and yantra Pujan, Lord Sudarshan Mantra Japa 11,000 times, Chakra Beeja mantra Japa 11,000 times and Homa

Thymus Chakra Puja Mantra

Lord Sudarshan Mantra: “Om Sudarshanaya Vidmahe Mahaajvaalaaya Dheemahi, Tanno Chakrah Prachodayaat”
Chakra Mantra: Hum (हूं).

Puja Prasad Sent After High Heart Chakra Balancing Puja & Mantra Japa

Puja Basket/Tokri consisting of energized Items will be shipped to the Yajman/Participant on their given address. These Items have been used & energized in the puja and hold on to the energy of mantra chanting & rituals.

The Puja Tokri will consist of :

Sudarshan Yantra : Yantras are geometric representation of deities. This yantra can be kept in your purse/wallet/laptop bag/drawer/cash box/puja altar. The best direction for the yantra will be North East Facing South West.
7 Mukhi Rudraksha : 7 mukhi blesses the wearer with new opportunities, wealth and peace. You can get in touch with RRST therapist for guidance.
Silver Tabeez : This amulet consists of Chiron Mantra written on Bhojpatra which was energized in the Puja. It can be worn around the neck.
Mauli/Molly Thread : This Holy thread can be tied on the right hand
Dry Fruits Prasad : These were offered to Lord Sudarshan and other Deities during the Thymus Chakra balancing Puja vidhi (procedure) and can be consumed by the Yajman/Participant
Puja Coins : Pure Silver Puja coin of Ganesh, Laxmi & Saraswati will be sent which can be kept in your purse/wallet/laptop bag/drawer/cash box/puja alter. These coins bless the yajman/participant with prosperity & luck
Tilaks : Haldi Kumkum Sandalwood Paste/Powders are sent which can be applied on the Yantra, Deity Idols or Forehead while doing puja
Vibhuti/Holy Ash : The Ash from the Thymus Chakra Balancing Havan(Homam), will be sent which can be applied on your forehead, throat, chest, biceps.
Holy Betel Nut : Betel Nut decorated in holy thread will be sent for good luck
Prosperity Bowl : A Prosperity Bowl consisting of Gomati Chakra, Cowry, Sriphal, Lotus Seeds and Shell to be kept in cash box or wallet or money lockers for financial prosperity.

Additional information

Weight 0.65 kg