
No. of Priests: 5
Duration: 1 day

SKU: PY355 Category:


About Vishuddha Chakra Balancing Puja and Mantra Japa | Objective Vishuddha Chakra Balancing Puja and Mantra Japa

The Deity of worship in the Vishuddha Chakra Balancing Puja and Mantra Japa are Goddess Saraswati, the Goddess of education, knowledge, wisdom, music, creative arts and speech, the presiding Deity of Vishuddha Chakra. The ruling planet is Guru Brihaspati/Jupiter, the teacher(Guru) of Gods. Goddess Saraswati is also known as Vak Devi, the Goddess of speech.

Vishuddha Chakra or Throat Chakra is significant as it’s the centre for clear communication, self-expression and is also connected to the ears or listening. The Vishuddha Chakra Balancing Puja is done to clear and balance the Vishuddha Chakra.

Chakras are vital energy centres located along our spine. The term Chakra comes from Sanskrit and means wheel. They are called so as they perform a kind of perpetual rotation that captures the energy to transmit it to the body and the mind. It is this rotating movement that absorbs energy towards the inside of the Chakras. Balancing of Chakras is essential for those who wish to live in harmony with their body and the Universe. There are several Chakras in the body but the seven main Chakras are important and need to be clean and balanced for optimum function of the Chakra. Each of these 7 chakras are associated with a particular color, a place in the physical body, an element, a mantra, a stone, a musical note, a sleeping position, a yoga position, a particular aspect of existence and more.

Vishuddha Chakra is the centre for knowledge, will power, wisdom, truth, communication, speech, power of choice. The Sanskrit term Vishuddha, translates to purity, the purification centre. Vishuddha or Throat Chakra helps to express oneself clearly, which is truthfully expression of ideas. It also is about listening with compassion and patience. A balanced Vishuddha Chakra makes it easier to express oneself, with a better understanding of others and flow with life. It gives confidence and removes self doubt, and helps to make choices in life. Singers and public speakers have a clear and balanced Throat Chakra and can also further enhance their skills by performing this meritorious Puja.

A unbalanced, blocked Vishuddha Chakra results in hesitation in speaking or communicating, inability to express oneself clearly, not willing to listen to others. The fear of being misunderstood, guilt, not willing to be heard or hear, impatience, comparison of self with others, lack of self confidence are some of the factors which majorly block the Throat Chakra. Physically it may cause throat ailments, sore throat and pain, thyroid imbalance, hair fall, pain in ear etc.

The Vishuddha Chakra Balancing Puja and Mantra Japa has profound effect when performed by following the Vishuddha Chakra Puja vidhi. The Visuddha Chakra Mantra has powerful vibration when chanted repeatedly during the Puja, which contributes to clearing, balancing and strengthening the Chakra. It is especially recommended for those who find it difficult to speak spontaneously or communicate with others.

Vishuddha Chakra Color: Blue
Related Deities: Saraswati
Related Planet: Guru (Jupiter)
Element: Sound

Benefits of Visuddha Chakra Puja:

  • For clear communication, self expression and enhancing speech/oratory skills
  • For health benefits and relief from ailments related to the Vishuddha Chakra
  • For gaining wisdom, knowledge, confidence and the power of choice.
  • It helps to voice one’s own ideas and feelings without hesitation.
  • For willing to hear and being heard.
  • For removing fear, habit of comparing oneself.
  • It helps to say the truth, be truthful.
    Puja Services Include:Kalash Sthapana, Panchaytan Devta Pujan, Swasti Vachan, Sankalpa, Ganesh Pujan, Goddess Saraswati idol and yantra Pujan, Guru Mantra Japa 11,000 times, Vishuddha Beeja mantra Japa 11,000 times, Vishuddha Chakra Vedic Mantra Japa 1100 times, Homa, Aarti, Pushpanjali, Daan.

Visuddha Chakra Puja Mantra:

Guru Mantra: Om Graam Greem Graum Sah Gurve Namah
Vishuddha Chakra Beej Mantra: HAM
Vishuddha Chakra Vedic Mantra: Om agya chakraa bahja nilayāyei namaha

Vishuddha Chakra Vedic Mantra Meaning

This mantra adores Goddess Shakti as a Hakini shakti. The meaning of this mantra is – “Salutation to Goddess who is seated at the lotus of the third eye chakra “. Ajna chakra is a 2 petal, Indigo colour chakra located in the middle of the forehead. By reciting this Shakti mantra one can clear, balance and open the Ajna or Third eye chakra.

Puja Prasad Sent After Vishudha Chakra balancing Puja & Homam

Puja Basket/Tokri consisting of energized Items will be shipped to the Yajman/Participant on their given address. These Items have been used & energized in the puja and hold on to the energy of mantra chanting & rituals.

The Puja Tokri will consist of :

Yantra : Yantras are geometric representation of deities. This yantra can be kept in your purse/wallet/laptop bag/drawer/cash box/puja altar. The best direction for the yantra will be North East Facing South West.
7 Mukhi Rudraksha : 7 mukhi blesses the wearer with new opportunities, wealth and peace. You can get in touch with RRST therapist for guidance.
Silver Tabeez : This amulet consists of Guru/Jupiter Mantra written on Bhojpatra which was energized in the Puja. It can be worn around the neck.
Mauli/Molly Thread : This Holy thread can be tied on the right hand
Dry Fruits Prasad : These were offered to Maa Saraswati and other Deities during the Vishuddha Chakra Puja vidhi (procedure) and can be consumed by the Yajman/Participant
Puja Coins : Pure Silver Puja coin of Ganesh, Laxmi & Saraswati will be sent which can be kept in your purse/wallet/laptop bag/drawer/cash box/puja alter. These coins bless the yajman/participant with prosperity & luck
Tilaks : Haldi Kumkum Sandalwood Paste/Powders are sent which can be applied on the Yantra, Deity Idols or Forehead while doing puja
Vibhuti/Holy Ash : The Ash from the Throat Chakra balancing Havan (Homam), will be sent which can be applied on your forehead, throat, chest, biceps.
Holy Betel Nut : Betel Nut decorated in holy thread will be sent for good luck
Prosperity Bowl : A Prosperity Bowl consisting of Gomati Chakra, Cowry, Sriphal, Lotus Seeds and Shell to be kept in cash box or wallet or money lockers for financial prosperity.

Additional information

Weight 0.35 kg