
Dimension: 4 (H) x 4 (L) inches
Weight: approx. 184 gms

SKU: CVJ23 Categories: ,


Wish Pyramid Box is used in Vastu, Feng Shui and also Reiki for the purpose of wish fulfillment. The Wish Pyramid Box is a wooden box covered with a pyramid lid with auspicious symbols of Om, Swastik, Sun and Shree Yantra. Wish of an individual is written and placed inside the box and the pyramid above helps capture and concentrate energies which in turn help in the manifestation of the wish. The box is to be kept in the Puja altar or Puja room; it can also be kept in the North East direction. The Wish Pyramid Box can also be used as a safe or money box.

Dimension: 4 (H) x 4 (L) inches
Weight: approx. 184 gms