
Yellow Citrine: 8 mm (72 beads)
Yellow Citrine Pendent: 29 mm (L) x 29 mm (W)
Length of Mala: approx. 30 inches
Silver weight: approx. 8.36 gms


This sunny Mala is strung with lustrous Yellow Citrine Gemstone beads, decorated with Silver balls between the beads and a lovely Pendant of the gemstone, suspended from a fancy accessory, in the mid point of the Mala, enhances its beauty. Yellow Citrine stone acts on the Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra, heals and balances it. A balanced Solar Plexus Chakra which helps to realize one’s own power, bestows courage to face challenges, enhances leadership qualities, intelligence, confidence, power, determination, positivity, supports in earning respect, name, fame in society, releases worries and helps to be in a lighter, joyful mode.

When balanced, the Manipura Chakra aids in healing diseases and ailments related to Liver, digestive system, Hypertension, Diabetes, alleviates memory loss, strengthens hair and nails.

Yellow Citrine gemstone is known for drawing prosperity and good fortune which adds to the benefits of this Mala.

Yellow Citrine: 8 mm (72 beads)
Yellow Citrine Pendent: 29 mm (L) x 29 mm (W)
Length of Mala: approx.. 30 inches
Silver weight: approx.. 8.36 gms

Additional information

Weight 0.35 kg