Yoga Asanas for Manipura Chakra

The life force energy (known as “prana”) passes through the subtle body through a number of channels known as “nadis” in yoga. These nadis meet at areas of amplified energy known as “chakras.” Chakras are swirling vortexes of energy in the subtle body that correlate to specific glands along the spine and within the head. They are named after the Sanskrit word for “wheel.” When the nadis get blocked due to bad behaviors and old patterns, the chakras become stagnant. The life force becomes sluggish as a result, which may lead to reduced physical, mental, and emotional health. Yoga practice cleanses and revitalizes the nadis and chakras, allowing prana to flow freely again.
Yoga is an incredibly useful method for releasing prana, or life energy, when it becomes wedged. Through yoga poses (asanas) and breathing, yoga dissolves musty energy and allows new energy into our chakra system. As a means of rebalancing our chakras so that they work optimally we may practice yoga as it definitely helps to either activate a blocked chakra or discharge excess energy from a dysfunctional chakra, for example when a chakra becomes overactive.

An effective way to bring to balance the Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra is to resort to yoga asanas practice on a regular basis, which stabilizes and balances your physical body’s energies from the Solar Plexus vortex. Makes it simpler to break old habits and patterns by realigning Manipura, which is the center of our motivation and willpower to accomplish everything in life. It’s also the place where you turn to when you need to stand up for yourself and demand respect. You call upon this chakra’s energies when you want to garner self-discipline and follow through. It denotes energy of leadership and action. Yoga exercises involving the part of the body of this chakra are aimed to dissolve any blockage at this energetic level.

Yoga can be practiced at home, in natural environments or in a yoga studio. At the same time, each chakra is connected with different universal elements being Air, Earth, Water, Ether or Fire. While yoga asanas may be practiced with beneficial results in many distinct surroundings, it is recommended whenever is possible to do these in particular places related to the chakra’s element to enhance the whole experience and results. In the case of Manipura as it is connected with the fire of our consciousness which radiates in an asserting warmth around, yoga practiced under bright sunlight conditions like in the sand of a beach is the first choice to heighten the healing experience of the practice. When this is not doable to perform, we can equally get beneficial results by practicing it at our home, yoga studio or other specifically dedicated space for this practice too.

Creating a home yoga studio has several advantages and may take your yoga practice to a whole new and enhanced level. It helps you to immerse yourself in yoga so that it becomes a more important part of your everyday rather than something that is exclusively performed at a studio. Indeed, yoga experts and teachers acclaim contrary to popular belief to practice yoga at your own pace in your own place rather than in busy and distracting public yoga centers which tend to rush the practice in too active modes and with limited time and procedures. They reiterate that the practice of yoga should be paced at each person’s rhythm thus allowing a much better integration of the practice as it involves aspects like focus, absorption, breathing or meditation. Therefore, getting involved in public spaces with yoga experienced teachers is principally suggested mostly to get started with the right postures under their supervision at first, but more personal places and environments are more suitable for yoga practice for the healing and balancing of our energy centers (chakras) in the long-term.

Even in the tiniest of areas, you can carve out a nook and corner for your home yoga studio. The first item you’ll need is a yoga mat, or if you can’t find one, a towel will do. It will protect you from slipping and sliding while you practice yoga.
Below are some other items you may need in your daily yoga practice:
- Yoga Bolsters are used to aid in relaxing, softening postures, and opening up the body. As an alternative, you may make an improvised bolster out of a pillow covered in a blanket. It forms an oval and may be used as a bolster to rest against.
- Yoga Blocks are used to aid in the practice of yoga by bringing the floor closer to you if you are unable to reach it in certain poses. If you don’t have access to yoga blocks, you may use thick books.
- Yoga Straps are used to assist yoga practitioners in achieving a greater range of motion and increased flexibility. Likewise, resistance bands may also be used as an alternative.
- Yoga blankets are great to have on hand since they can help you sit comfortably and relax in restorative positions. As an alternative to yoga-specific blankets, you may use blankets from your bed, throw blankets from your sofa, or towels.
- Yoga cushions and chairs aids in meditation and they are utilized to keep the body in a comfortable sitting posture. They tilt the pelvis, allowing you to sit erect and securely in meditation position. If they are not accessible, you may sit on any cushion from your home, such as one from your sofa or bed, while meditation.
- Altars and the things that decorate them are utilized to integrate the energy of your yoga practice into your surroundings. Deities’ sculptures and sacred symbols and pictures are often placed.
In order to tune up Manipura start with Kapalabhati pranayama. Close your eyes and take a comfortable seat. On each hand, bring your forefinger and thumb together. Inhale through your nose and exhale quickly through your nose, drawing your belly button back toward your spine. The inhalation is passive, while the exhalation is sharp and quick. You can try as fast or as slow as you like. Set your intention for this practice and after done follow the next yoga sequence.
Manipura (Solar Plexus) has the largest concentration of pranic energy because 72,000 nadis (conduits of pranic energy) meet here at this point and radiate from this center. Solar Plexus chakra has the same function for your body like the Sun for the Earth – it supplies you with the energy and fuel for all of your biological processes, mental processes and your earthly existence. This is where your consciousness gets internalized. When this energy center is balanced it expresses itself in people who are spontaneous and uninhibited. They act from their inner gut and they are ready to jump into the unknown trusting themselves.

Lie on your stomach by your hands at your sides, palms up. Bend your knees and grab your ankles with both hands. Draw your lower belly in and up, pressing your pubic bone down. Inhale by pressing your ankles into your hands and rising your chest and thighs. To open your chest, slide your shoulder blades down and towards each other. Stay for a few moments, taking deep breaths into your chest and ribs. Release your ankles and softly lay down on your tummy for a few breaths on an exhale.

Step your right foot forward from Downward-Facing Dog and raise up into a High Lunge. Spend a few breaths stretching the back leg, spine, and side body. Bring the outside border of your right foot as broad as the outer edge of your right hip. To prevent sinking into the front of the left hip socket, lift the top of the left thighbone. Inhale to extend your arms. Exhale and do Anjali Mudra with your hands at the heart. Inhale here, widening the sternum. As you twist to the right, exhale. Bring your left arm bone all the way up to your right thighbone. Twist from the rear side of the abdomen, starting with the Manipura chakra. Bring your thumbs and sternum to contact as you push your arm and leg into each other. In this twist, take 5 full, deep breaths. Return to Downward-Facing Dog and swap sides after rinsing the body with a vinyasa.
REVOLVED TRIANGLE (Parvritta Trikonasana)

Inhale and stretch your heart out over your right foot from Parsvottanasana. Exhale while placing your left hand squarely under your left shoulder. Take now your right hand to your right hip and spin from the belly to the right for the next complete cycle of breath. Turn your heart up and stretch your spine away from your pelvis as you twist. Spread your collarbones wide and square your hips. When you feel you’ve twisted enough, jump your left hand over your right foot and lay it on the floor at the outside border of your right pinky toe. To establish some freedom inside your twist, actively push down into your hands and feet. Stand firm and flexible in the position for 5 breaths before switching sides.
SEATED TWIST (Ardha Matseyndrasana)

Maintain your left knee bent and your left foot tucked in against the right sitting bone from Sukhasana. Then, using your right knee, bring it in toward your chest. Breathe out and turn your chest to the right, placing your right hand behind you like a kickstand. With your left hand, grasp the outside border of your right foot and begin to straighten the leg. Press the outstretched hand and foot against each other while the arm and leg straighten. This will result in a nice tension, which will add some stability and balance. The prior stance may have seemed confined and structurally tight, but this pose may feel expansive and vast. Spend 5 breaths here before switching sides.
Restorative Yoga poses for Manipura
Restorative yoga poses are practiced always at the end of the yoga practice to provide rest to the body and self-assimilation of the yoga asanas previously done. They are all about slowing down and incorporating what has been done.
CHILD POSE (Balasana)

Bring your knees to the floor from Downward-Facing Dog. Place your sitting bones back on your heels and slowly lower your brow to the ground. This will provide a warmth compression to the abdomen. Allow your whole body to soften. Allow the abdominal wall to totally relax, as if it were a buddha belly. Deeply relax. Take 5–8 deep breaths in this stance.
CORPSE POSE (Savasana)

When you’re finished, fall back in Savasana and allow your body to relax as if you’re floating on top of water, drifting into a tranquil and pleasant repose.
Aside from the yoga positions outlined above, cultivating a deeper feeling of steadiness throughout your practice may take various forms. If visualizations have previously benefited you in your practice, consider imagining or wearing the color yellow, which is the color of the Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra. This vision may assist you in rekindle your inner flame revealing a stronger connection while practicing the above yoga asanas. Singing mantras and also using sound vibrations in the background is another excellent approach to connect with your Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra while doing yoga.