Affirmations for Anahata Chakra

The Anahata chakra, also known as the Heart chakra, is the fourth chakra in the body. Located just over the sternum, this chakra resonates with feelings of love and compassion.
When this chakra is open and energy is flowing freely through it, you will feel hopeful, loved, and experience a sense of wholeness. The
love experienced here is unlike the typical love which is often associated with another or an object. Instead, the Anahata chakra radiates love internally as a loving being which is then expressed openly outwards.
However, emotional pain or hurtful relationships can block this chakra. It leads to a feeling of being unloved and alone. Not only can this stand in the way of having fulfilling relationships with others but can also stand in the way of being able to completely love yourself.

- Feeling lonely and unworthy
- Difficulty in trusting others
- Being wary of relationships
- Being uncomfortable in social situations
- Inability to give or receive love openly
- Increase in judgement of self and others
Affirmations are positive statements that are repeated consistently to oneself. These statements go straight to one’s subconscious mind and help bring internal change. Affirmations are repeated while eliciting a particular vision or feeling and thus help bring about an internal change in the person.
Often, past experiences and traumatic events can lead to negative thoughts and beliefs. By practicing affirmations daily, one can break this cycle of thoughts and replace them with favourable ones. Over time, these positive statements can open new avenues of thought and lead to better life circumstances as one overcomes the limitations imposed by their earlier thoughts.

The subconscious mind rules the majority of our thoughts and actions. While the conscious mind is active when working on something new or learning a new skill, the majority of our lives are controlled by the subconscious mind.
This is why any negative thought patterns here can be problematic as often we don’t even realise that we have these thought patterns and beliefs which are controlling our actions. By using affirmations, we can over time end these negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.
Affirmations look at aspects we want to achieve in our lives and turn them into positive statements. It is important to note that these are not just about repeating the words. Instead, combining them with visualisation and emotions that reflect the aspects you are hoping to achieve through affirmations.
Affirmations are one of the easiest ways to make lasting changes. The energy of these statements is at a higher vibration than that of negative ones thus elevating our body’s overall vibrational energy. The more you repeat affirmations regularly, the faster you will begin to see positive changes in your life.

The first step in making change is identifying the current thoughts and behaviours that need to change. It is important to be mindful throughout the day and identify which behaviours are good and which are detrimental. These can also provide an insight into the thoughts or emotions at their root.
Next, look at the emotions or actions that are desirable or wanted. Create statements that reflect these attributes such as ‘I am worthy’ or ‘I am joyful’ and repeat them regularly. It is important to note that for affirmations to be effective they need to be associated with a clear visual or emotion to create change.
A great time to practice affirmations is just before you sleep or as soon as you wake up in the morning. This is when the subconscious mind is most open to receiving information.
Another way to practice affirmations could be during meditation or writing them in your journal. Writing affirmations allows for conscious participation while also evoking the relevant thoughts and emotions.
For some people, listening to affirmations can be highly beneficial. Find a tape of your affirmations or create one in your own voice by recording your favourite statements and playing them every morning and night.

Here are some of the best affirmations to open your Heart chakra.
Choose the ones that resonate best with you and repeat them to yourself anytime you feel like it.
- I am love and I am loved
- I am worthy and deserving of love
- I live in harmony with the Universe
- I release all resentment and judgement
- I welcome love into my life
- I love myself and others around me
- I love and receive love unconditionally
- I forgive myself for all my mistakes
- I forgive others
- I choose love in every moment
- I live in peace and gratitude
- I am peaceful and accept things as they are
- It is safe for me to love
- I see myself and others with compassion
- My heart is filled with love and gratitude
- I am free of past hurts
You can also release your fears through affirmations or by meditating on each fear every day. You can start with one fear at a time.
Choose the one which connects with you the most and focus on releasing that fear.
- I release the feeling of being broken hearted
- I release the feeling of being sad
- I release the feeling of being alone
- I release grief from every cell of my body
- I release the feeling of loneliness
- I release the feeling of being disappointed in love
- I release the feeling of being rejected in love
- I release the belief that it is hard to forgive
- I release the belief that I am emotionally weak
- I release the belief that I have lack of love
- I release the belief that there is no love for me
- I release the belief that I don’t know how to love myself
- I release the belief that I don’t know what real love is
- I release the pattern of attracting others that hurt me
- I release the fear that I am disappointed in love
- I release the belief that I am hopeless
- I release fear of love
- I release the belief that love hurts
- I release the belief that relationships are painful
- I release the fear that I can’t commit
- I release the belief that I must be weak to be loved
- I release being unkind
- I release all jealousy from my being
- I release the belief that I have to change myself to be loved
- I release the pattern of being disconnected from my feelings
- I release the belief that it is hard to accept myself
- I release the belief that the pain is too deep
- I release the fear that I can’t let go
- I release the pattern of hiding / putting up walls / ignoring my feelings
- I release the belief that I can’t feel anything
- I release feeling that I need to hurt
- I release the belief that I need to feel bad about who I am
- I release the belief that nobody could love me
- I release the belief that I have lack of desire
- I release all heartaches
- I release the feeling of craving love and affection
- I release the belief that I never get what I want
- I release the belief that there is nobody to love me
- I release the question that when I will be special / when will I count
- I release the pattern of ignoring my feelings / blocked from my emotions / stuck in my wounded energy
- I release the fear of letting it go, just to be disappointed again and again.

The road to success is through consistency and regularity. Initially, these words may seem untrue or awkward. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Feel the emotions or visualise the images that reflect what you are trying to create and be patient with yourself.
You can also create your own statements or modify the affirmations listed above to make them true for you. The more you believe in the statements, the easier it will be for you to practice them regularly and also lead to positive changes.