
Dimension of Pendant: 40 mm x 32 mm
7 Gemstone beads: 8 mm (14 beads each)
Length of Mala: approx. 36 inches


This beautiful 7 Chakra mala made using 7 gemstones associated with all Chakras is a one-of-its-kind jewel. Featuring faceted natural beads of red Agate, Orange Carnelian, Yellow jade, Green Agate, Blue Jade, Amethyst, and Crystals, the mala offers a complete healing solution for all Chakras. Enriched with silver spacers, the mala with multi-colored hue is bound to visually pep-up your mood. The solid construction of colored stones diligently set within a frame of Chakra man pendant boasts a spectacular appearance to the mala. Wear this standout jewel to add a touch of nature-inspired beauty to your look and naturally allow it to balance all Chakras.


  • Evoke a sense of security and grounding and attracts luck
  • Improves self-expression and increases spiritual wisdom and self-trust
  • Improves creativity and self-trust, brings compassion, and improves intuition power

Dimension of Pendant: 40 mm x 32 mm
7 Gemstone beads: 8 mm (14 beads each)
Length of Mala: approx. 36 inches

Additional information

Weight 0.35 kg