
No. of Priests: 5
Duration: 1 day

SKU: PY354 Category:


About Anahata Chakra Balancing Puja and Mantra Japa/ Objective of Anahata/Heart Chakra Balancing Puja

The main Deity of Anahata Chakra balancing Puja and Mantra Japa is Lord Rudra and the ruling planet is Buddh or Mercury. Lord Rudra is a fierce form of Lord Shiva, associated with storms, His arrows hit like lightening and He is also known as a Master healer, a Celestial physician who has the medicine for every imaginable disease or ailment.

The Anahata Chakra or Heart Chakra is the centre of love, compassion, forgiveness, intuitive powers. The Anahata Chakra Balancing Puja and Mantra Japa, is done to balance the Anahata Chakra for harmonious relationships with one’s own self and others.

Chakras are vital energy centres located along our spine. The term Chakra comes from Sanskrit and means wheel. They are called so as they perform a kind of perpetual rotation that captures the energy to transmit it to the body and the mind. It is this rotating movement that absorbs energy towards the inside of the Chakras. Balancing of Chakras is essential for those who wish to live in harmony with their body and the Universe. There are several Chakras in the body but the seven main Chakras are important and need to be clean and balanced for optimum function of the Chakra. Each of these 7 chakras are associated with a particular color, a place in the physical body, an element, a mantra, a stone, a musical note/sound vibration, a sleeping position, a yoga position, a particular aspect of existence and more.

The Anahata Chakra or Heart Chakra is located in the centre of the body, in the middle of the chest and connects the lower chakras to the upper chakras. It is the 4th. Chakra of the 7 main Chakra and Anahata is a vital Chakra which to keep balanced for a happy life. Anahata Chakra is the centre of love, compassion, forgiveness for self and others. It is about emotions, feelings, devotion, kindness, generosity. Opening one’s Heart Chakra will make them feel loving and compassionate. One will be full of energy and trust for oneself and others. When the Anahata Chakra is open, one will experience happiness, be selfless and generous and feel one with others and be able to manifest desires easily. Such individuals are excellent friends, empathetic, understanding and accept others as they are. A balanced Anahata Chakra creates unconditional love and helps to be aware of one’s limitlessness.

When the Anahata Chakra is blocked and imbalanced, it creates hatred, fear, jealousy, depression, unhappiness, disharmony in relationships, bitterness, anger and other negative emotions and feeling. It can make the person miserable as he/she can feel unloved and uncared for, lonely. The blocked Anahata Chakra may cause diseases and ailments related to the Chakra like, Heart diseases, Asthma, Allergies etc.

The Heart Chakra can be effectively cleared and balanced by performing the meritorious Heart Anahata Chakra balancing Puja, by following the prescribed Vedic Anahata Chakra balancing Puja vidhi. The powerful vibration of Anahata Chakra balancing Puja Mantra japa acts on the Anahata Chakra of the participant of this puja and brings the desired Heart Chakra balancing Puja benefits.

Anahata Chakra Color: Green
Related Deities: Rudra
Related Planet: Buddh (Mercury)
Element: Air

Anahata Chakra Balancing Puja Benefits:

  • For better relationships, understanding and compassion.
  • For health benefits and relief from ailments related to the Anahata Chakra.
  • For healing discord or unhappy relationships.
  • For forgiving self and others.
  • For loving self and others.
  • For enhancing intuitive powers, devotion.
  • A balanced and open Heart Chakra augments spiritual growth and connection with the Divine realm.
  • For easy manifestation of desires.
  • For a happy, healthy, peaceful, prosperous life.
    Puja Services Include:Kalash Sthapana, Panchaytan Devta Pujan, Swasti Vachan, Sankalpa, Ganesh Pujan, Lord Vishnu idol and yantra Pujan, Purusuktam, Buddh Mantra Japa 11,000 times, Anahata Beeja mantra Japa 11,000 times, Anahata Chakra Vedic Mantra Jaap 1100 times, Homa, Aarti, Pushpanjali, Daan.

Anahata Chakra Balancing Puja Mantras:-

Buddh Mantra: Om Braam Breem Broum Sah Budhaye Namah

ॐ ब्रां ब्रीं ब्रौं सः बुधाय नमः

Anahata Chakra Beej Mantra: यं or YAM

Anahata Chakra Vedic Mantra: Om Shante Shante Sarvarishta Naashini Swaha.

Puja Prasad Sent After Anahata Chakra Puja & Mantra Japa

Puja Basket/Tokri consisting of energized Items will be shipped to the Yajman/Participant on their given address. These Items have been used & energized in the puja and hold on to the energy of mantra chanting & rituals.

The Puja Tokri will consist of:

Vishnu Yantra: Yantras are geometric representation of deities. This yantra can be kept in your purse/wallet/laptop bag/drawer/cash box/puja altar. The best direction for the yantra will be North East Facing South West.
7 Mukhi Rudraksha: 10 mukhi blesses the yajman with protection & peace. This can be worn on the right hand as a bracelet for best results. You can get in touch with RRST therapist for guidance.
Silver Tabeez: This amulet consists of Buddh (Mercury) Mantra written on Bhojpatra which was energized in the Puja. It can be worn around the neck.
Mauli/Molly Thread: This Holy thread can be tied on the right hand
Dry Fruits Prasad: These were offered to Lord Rudra and other Deities during the Anahata Chakra balancing Puja vidhi (procedure) and can be consumed by the Yajman/Participant
Puja Coins: Pure Silver Puja coin of Ganesh, Laxmi & Saraswati will be sent which can be kept in your purse/wallet/laptop bag/drawer/cash box/puja alter. These coins bless the yajman/participant with prosperity & luck
Tilaks: Haldi Kumkum Sandalwood Paste/Powders are sent which can be applied on the Yantra, Deity Idols or Forehead while doing puja
Vibhuti/Holy Ash: The Ash from the Anahata Chakra Balancing Havan(Homam), will be sent which can be applied on your forehead, throat, chest, biceps.
Holy Betel Nut: Betel Nut decorated in holy thread will be sent for good luck
Prosperity Bowl: A Prosperity Bowl consisting of Gomati Chakra, Cowry, Sriphal, Lotus Seeds and Shell to be kept in cash box or wallet or money lockers for financial prosperity.

Additional information

Weight 0.65 kg
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 8 cm